Ways to Give

Cure SMA’s national community of donors, volunteers, and sponsors create a bright future for everyone with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Join us by donating, fundraising, and supporting our mission.


Give Today

Make a direct, easy, secure online donation!



Check out an upcoming event in your area! Whether it’s a Walk-n-Roll, gala, golf outing, or Endurance event, our fundraising events help you get involved, make connections, and raise critical funds.



Raise funds in honor of a special occasion (e.g., birthday, milestone, etc.), host a spin-a-thon, or collect coins at your school or workplace. No matter the idea, we can help. Fill out the interest form to get started.

WNR Wednesday Social 12.2

Legacy Giving

Learn about the different ways you can give to Cure SMA and the different benefits and considerations associated with each way to give.

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Stocks/Bonds Donation

Cure SMA accepts donations in the form of stocks or bonds. To learn more, email [email protected] and a member of our team will be in touch.

Employer Gift Match Page - Hero Image

Employer Gift Match

Double your support! You or your partner’s employer may match your contribution to Cure SMA. Visit our Employer Gift Match page to learn more.

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