Thank You for an Amazing 2024 Annual SMA Conference!

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Annual SMA Conference at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas! It was an impactful weekend of opportunities to connect, learn, and have fun.

We are happy to announce that there were over 2,260 attendees in total – our second-largest conference to date! It was an honor to have individuals with SMA, their families and care teams, clinicians, industry partners, and researchers attend the conference from over 28 countries across the globe.

For those who were not able to attend, check out our Facebook page to view some of the fun photos and watch the recording of the Opening General Session on Instagram.

Conference Overview 

The conference began on Thursday, June 6, with the Newly Diagnosed Program, the Meet & Greet, and the Researcher & Clinician Relay Race. These activities follow a wonderful tradition in which new attendees are welcomed and – along with returning adults with SMA, families, clinicians, and researchers – are given the opportunity to come together in a fun, relaxed setting before the start of conference workshops.

Workshops kicked off on Friday, June 7, with 68 offered throughout the weekend – the most we have ever had – with 24 brand new topics. The Self-Expression Exhibit, A Piece of Us message board, and Muscle Station also opened for attendees to enjoy. The day concluded with the Family Friendly Researcher Poster Session, where attendees were able to review over 30 different posters.

On Saturday, June 8, attendees enjoyed more fantastic workshops, and closed out the evening with the PJ Party & Movie Night and the Most Likely Not To…SMA My Way Musical Experience.

Other special opportunities for attendees to connect included the Adults with SMA Lounge, the Teen Lounge, Dad’s Night Out, Mom’s Night Out, Grandparents Coffee & Mingle, Adults with SMA Reception, and Teen Socials.

On Sunday, June 9, the “It's a Wonderful Life” closing session invited a panel of adults with SMA to answer questions about their experiences, and share messages of perseverance, joy, hardships, and growth. The dates and location for the 2025 Annual SMA Conference were also announced; it will take place from Thursday, June 26 – Sunday, June 29, 2025, at Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. We hope to see you there!

Thank You

The Annual SMA Conference would not have been possible without the assistance of our fantastic volunteers. From setting up decor, working in the Children's Program, preparing, and running games at the Meet & Greet, to many other volunteer tasks, our volunteers were amazing once again.

We extend our thanks to the sponsors and exhibitors who generously supported the 2024 Annual SMA Conference. A special thanks to Biogen and Genentech for their generosity as the Presenting Sponsors of this year’s conference.

See you in Anaheim, California in 2025!


2024 Annual Cure SMA Research & Clinical Care Meeting

Cure SMA recently hosted the 2024 Annual SMA Research & Clinical Care Meeting from June 5-7 in Austin, Texas. The Annual Research & Clinical Care Meeting provided a valuable opportunity to share knowledge and network among the more than 600 researchers and health care providers in attendance. The meeting also furthered research and care by building productive collaborations—including cross-disciplinary dialogue, partnerships, and the integration of new researchers, health care professionals, and drug companies. Attendees also had the opportunity to network with other members of the SMA community, including persons with SMA, families and caregivers through joint events such as the Meet and Greet and Family Friendly Researcher Poster Session.

The research sessions of the meeting included: the Basic Research Session on Wednesday, June 5th, held concurrently with the Clinical Care Session, the Clinical Research Session on Thursday, June 6th, and the Clinical Drug Development Session on Friday, June 7th. The Special Session of the meeting entitled, “The Importance of Understanding Remaining Unmet Needs in SMA” was an opportunity for researchers and clinicians to engage in a discussion aimed at better understanding the unmet needs of individuals living with SMA . The session was an opportunity for researchers, clinicians, and adults living with SMA to discuss remaining needs and possible means of addressing those needs.

The Clinical Care Session provided an opportunity for SMA health care providers across disciplines to share their knowledge and promote discussion between new clinicians and leaders in SMA clinical care to achieve improved care for individuals with SMA. Attendees received 5.5 CME credit hours focused on topics related to SMA phenotypes, musculoskeletal considerations, and the impact of anesthesia on individuals with SMA. Featured special sessions included “Reproductive Health in Individuals with SMA” and “Advocacy in Air Travel for Individuals with SMA”. These special sessions provided clinicians with valuable insights to better advocate and care for individuals with SMA, featuring panel presenters who shared their personal experiences of living with SMA.

Annual Conference Sponsors 2024

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